For those what don't know who Emily's List is - they are an organization that helps elect pro-choice democratic women. In 1998, Blanche Lincoln was one of those women that this organization helped get in office.
I have donated on and off to Emily's List candidates for 10 years and regularly get their email. I was concerned about whether or not Emily's List would continue to support Ms. Lincoln. I know that Emily's List was constantly promoting the passage of the Health Care Bill, something which Blanche Lincoln point-blank refused to do. And with Ms. Lincoln dealing with a serious threat with a pro-healthcare progressive running against her in the primaries, I wasn't too happy at the thought of Emily's List piling money to help get her re-elected.
I guess I have no need to worry: about Blanche Lincoln's fight for survival? I'm not.
By Ellen R. Malcolm on 03/04/2010 @ 09:13 AM
Tags: 2010 Elections, U.S. Senate
Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln is fighting for her political survival. Republicans are in full attack mode, and polls indicate she's the most vulnerable Senate incumbent in the country.
Frankly, I'm not surprised.
As I travel around the country, I've been asked repeatedly about Senator Lincoln's political troubles and what, if anything, EMILY's List will be doing to help her win a third term in 2010.
My answer? Nothing.
In 1998, EMILY's List helped elect Lincoln to the U.S. Senate. We believed her when she told us that that, if and when the Senate took up right-wing Senator Rick Santorum's bill to ban what he called "partial birth" abortion, she would insist on a health exception that protects women.
Our members gave generously to her campaign, believing that she would steadfastly stand by the pledge she made to us to protect women's reproductive freedom.
She took our members' hard-earned money to get elected. Unfortunately, when the Santorum bill came up for a vote, Lincoln voted for it even though it provided no exception to protect women's health.
EMILY's List members are deeply committed to electing pro-choice Democratic women whom we trust to stand up for our rights, treat us honestly, and make us proud. Our candidates fight for us every day. Blanche Lincoln failed to hold up her end of the bargain.
Since she wasn't there for us, we won't be there for her. I didn't realize this went back to a few years ago, but I'm glad that Emily's List stands for it's values and won't give another red cent to this democrat.
I know Emily's List will not raise money for male candidates but not helping Lincoln with her re-election will make it that much more difficult.
BTW, if you are as angry with Lincoln as I am - then I suggest donation to Bill Halter: . Let's get a real democrat in the senate!