All the right wing's strategy for ending what they rightly panic about, is a dodgy sales technique. This strategy uses fear, and confusion, to reset the midpoint. All the talk about fascism being the same as communism, standard gov. action being ramming down teabagger throats. They scream, with hair on fire, assured that the ghoulish media will play it. And their outlandish claims given kid glove treatment, with interpretation of what they surely must have meant.
The HCR bill is evil, so any sane person should at least be tepid about it right? Obama is a communist, so any sane person should at least be wary of his exoticness. All this and in particular, the equivocation or redefining everything from Jesus' words, to political terminology. They intend to call suspicion on all of human knowledge. They are charter schooling the US, sending their kids to evolution free medical degrees at winger universities. Making a degree something to sheepishly apologize for.
We are doomed right? NOT. There is a mechanism called diminishment. It is the lessening of a canned response to a too oft repeated stimuli. Fear, and chaos, is losing it's punch. If there is any evidence needed, it is the lackluster attendence of this weeks teascream. Now that is the teascreamers themselves, affected by diminishment. Imagine how much more us others are reacting? WE are tired of hyperbole, sick of conflation and confounding.
Enter no drama Obama. He is the antithesis of teascreamers, and their rotting head, the GOP. His sense of grace, and maintaining relatively low tones, will in the end win the day, show silent pregress, and show that sustaining the big lie, has drawbacks. Timing is everything, and out of your control. But when it is all you have, against a demographic steamroller, you bet it all. You sell your children into white slavery. Throw in the wifes entire premarriage wealth. The teascreamers are throwing all the loose items overboard, on the titanic, hoping to remain afloat long enough for Robert's treason to kick in.
The mode which they will employ to retain power, in light of present and future demographic trends, is Roberts, Diebold, fascism etc. That is the other sales technique. Foot in the door, or camels nose under the tent. We will never again have a chance to fix this country.
Lets roll.