tried, except for just about every other system that's been tried that is.
Mark my words DU, once this "reform" passes there will be consequences.
Yes, a few uninsured will get insurance. Hell some of them will even be better off with subsidies actually paying for a good chunk of the premium allowing them to afford the copays so they can receive health care.
Another small group that is poised for a loss of their health insurance for one of several reasons might actually be helped as well. The insurance companies might be forced to maintain their policies and might even actually have to pay for some of the procedures their plans said they would cover.
Insurance companies are created for one reason. PROFIT. That's it. Nothing more. PROFIT.
Yes there are some "controls" in this bill that limit the damage the insurance industry can do to us. There is the 20% profit cap I keep reading about. Say an insurance company pays out 1 billion in medical a year. They would be allowed to collect premiums to earn 20% on that. How long do you think it will take for the insurance companies to renegotiate how much they pay out to hospitals and doctors so that number becomes 1.5 billion. Yeah, A 20% cap sounds fine and dandy, but the oil companies already figured out 20% of 3 bucks a gallon is better than 20% of a dollar a gallon. It will not take the insurance profiteers long to increase their profits on the backs of the middle class and subsidized mandates.
Subsidies. What will become of them when Republicans regain control. YES, Republicans WILL be in control again at some point in our lifetimes. At a bare minimum this bill hands the Republicans a huge point to rally around. That is one of the many things that make these mandates so dangerous. For many life will be impossible without the subsidies and one thing Republicans are EXTREMELY good at when in power is lowering taxes and cutting funding for the poor.
This bill will also have to be DEFEATED in the future for any real reform to take place. Why in the world would you want to increase the size of the mountain before you even try to conquer it. I simply do not understand. Once the insurance giants figure out how to take an industry that is 21% of the GDP and make it 30% or 40% or even 60% of the GDP we will be in real trouble. This bill has the very real potential of finishing off the job that our military spending and bank bailout spending failed to do, finish off our economy for good and put us into 3rd world status.
Do we need health CARE reform? Hell yeah we do, people are dying for fucks sake. Will this bill deliver it? Possibly, for a small group. How long will it last though?
This bill has too many dangers and not nearly enough consumer protection to even be considered good in any way for us. Ask yourself this, and be honest. If this same exact bill was being proposed under a Republican president would you still be behind it. I have a feeling a lot of pom poms would never have appeared here.
Call the vermin we have running this show. Time is short for this bill, but the minimal short term help and long term damages that this bill will create will be felt for generations.