simple-minded redneckism: "You're either with us or against us"?
He was supposedly addressing that to the community of nations on the international stage, but it didn't take long for people like John Ashcroft and Rush Limbaugh to make it clear that the same test applied here at home. You either supported Bush, Cheney and the rest of the regime while they launched a war of aggression against a 5th rate dictator OR you were a "terrorist sympathizer", a "cheese-eating surrender monkey" or simply a "Goddamn traitor!"
These simplistic either/or constructs are almost always bogus nonsense and are insults to the intelligence of anyone with an IQ above room temperature.
That's why it is so disappointing to see the same BS being flung around DU on a daily basis lately.
I DON'T KNOW what is the right thing to do about healthcare reform at this point. I believe it has been BADLY mis-managed and believe some faces in Congress should change because of that. But, I believe BOTH sides of the argument within our community have some valid points to make.
I BELIEVE that the thing to do now is to pass the bill and focus on further expansions and improvements later. BUT,---damn it---I sure as hell understand those who argue that "the line has to be drawn somewhere. We liberals have been taken for granted for too long", etc.
Maybe if we stopped stomping our feet and threatening to hold our breath till we turned blue if OUR views don't prevail, we could actually find common cause to start shovelling away the pile of shit the Bush administration left the country under.
Either way this thing goes, I'm absolutely not writing off the hopes and dreams the majority of the people in this country. I will not stay home and sulk while Jeb and Sarah or Mitt and the Huckster throw rocks at people who may have been ill-advised, may have been foolish, may have temporarily lost sight of who "brung 'em", but who are, nonetheless, MY people.