Democrats got some help Wedneday when leadership released a district-by-district guide of benefits in the healthcare bill.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee released the guide to the "benefits in the legislation," according to a statement.
"Many members have asked for information about the impacts of the health care reform legislation in their districts," Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the committee chairman, said in a letter. "In order to address these questions, my staff has prepared a district-level analysis of the impact of the legislation for each member."
The short, district-level reports, which can be found here, include talking points on how the bill affects middle class families, small businesses, seniors in Medicare, the healthcare industry and the uninsured.
Benefits of Health Care Reform, District by District ImpactThe Committee has prepared, for all 435 congressional districts, a district-level analysis of the impact of health care reform legislation. This analysis includes information on the impact of the legislation on families, small businesses, seniors in Medicare, health care providers, and the uninsured. site has links to every state's districts and what the bill does for each.