1)KILL this 2800 page labyrinth of trap doors, loopholes, and indecipherable legalese that fundamentally enshrines the For Profit Health Insurance Industry as the gateway to Health care in the US.
2)Break out the best pieces of the bill.
3)Offer them as individual, short, simple Stand Alone Bills. This would cover Pre Existing Conditions, Recission (Dumping), and other regulatory reforms.
4)Force them to the floor for Up or Down Roll Call votes. Let the Republicans OPPOSE these easy to understand and popular reforms. Suddenly, the Republican Party is NOT "Opposing the Government Take Over of Health Care", they are FORCED to Support the Health Insurance Industry practice of Dumping Sick Americans. Its ALL in the framing.
5)Raise the upper limit for Medicaid the same way.
5)Offer an incremental expansion of Medicare to the unemployed in the 50 -65 group NOT as Health Care Reform, but as Emergency Aid to this vulnerable and virtually un-employable age group. . . . Voila...the door to Medicare for ALL is WIDE OPEN, and achievable in lass time than the "Exchange" is scheduled to open.
I believe the House was already successful at passing a revocation to the Health Insurance Industry Anti-Trust exemption in a simple, Stand Alone Bill. The Republicans in The House didn't DARE try to stop it. Using THIS blueprint, The Democratically Controlled Congress could implement many of the GOOD pieces, and avoid the Terrible ones....if "they" wanted to.
But the Democratic Party ALREADY KNOWS this. The PROBLEM is the "wants to" part.