Indiana has its share of crazy people too. But, at least this monster's father has a conscience.
"Katherine Brotherton, 36, faces two counts of animal abuse after admitting to police she set her two dogs on fire.
"The allegations are these animals were doused with gasoline and then set on fire," said Johnson County prosecutor Brad Cooper. "The abuse of the dogs is extremely disturbing."
Six-month-old pit bull puppy Jake still shakes from the horrible experience and fear he's been through. Jake suffered extensive burns to his paws, back legs, and all over his body. He is under a veterinarian's care and is expected to recover. But looking into his puppy-dog eyes you can see he's still very scared.
"This is the first incident in my five years here that I've seen an animal set on fire," said Michael Delp, director of Johnson County animal control. "There are injuries to skin and to the fur on both dogs from being set on fire," said Delp...
Her father came to the shelter Wednesday to check on the dogs and cried.",0,1800343.story