they were licking repug ass with glee and relish and slurping sounds when Bush was committing war crimes. But years later when the truth started being talked about (the truth about Iraq that was printed here and many places around the world while the CNNs were breathless with the excitement of war war war) they switched to making you think they were 'keeping them honest' when they were complicit fucks all along. I wish I had recorded those thousands of hours of rah rah war war from those stinking devils. When it was far too late they started asking some questions.
Now its the same with the HCR bill. Now, after a whole fucking year of discussion, this bald headed fuck called Ali something or other is taking the time to discuss how neat it is to have electronic medical records, which is part of the hcr plan. How it could save time, privacy, etc. and money.
This is the first time I have seen anything positive to this extent about HCR from those fartbags. When the bill is almost assured to be passed, and all the sleight of hand and lies and licking repug ass all over again they did over the past year, they have to submit and now from this day forward will pretend like they knew it was a good idea all along.
I know I shouldn't watch these freaks, but it's like exercise for me.