http://gawker.com/5496643/roger-ailes-cannot-stand-divisivenessRoger Ailes Cannot Stand Divisiveness
Roger Ailes is sick and tired of all this divisiveness! Among Fox News employees. The King Fascist Toad ordered his Washington staffers to stop bad-mouthing their fellow employee lunatic Glenn Beck, saying, according to TVNewser, "We prefer people in the tent not dumping on other people in the tent." Then the malicious blackhearted propagandist said that he was brought up in a way that if he could not defend his "family," well, "I'd go to another family." Was Roger Ailes abandoned by his mother as a child? I don't know, but in any case, he's evil and Glenn Beck is a fucking psycho, so if you said something bad about them, you'd probably have facts on your side, regardless of where you work.
Send an email to Hamilton Nolan, the author of this post, at Hamilton@gawker.com.
http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/fnc/ailes_to_the_dc_staff_no_more_shooting_inside_the_tent_155444.aspAiles to the DC Staff: No More Shooting Inside the Tent
By Chris Ariens
.... Ailes then turned to the issue of Monday's Washington Post story, in which Howard Kurtz wrote about "tension" over Glenn Beck. "There is a deep split within Fox between those who are supportive, and many journalists who are worried about the prospect that Beck is becoming the face of the network," wrote Kurtz.
Signaling that Kurtz's sources came from within the DC bureau, Ailes said, "For the first time in our 14 years we've had people apparently shooting in the tent, from within the tent."
"Glenn Beck, does his show and that's his opinion. It's not the opinion of FOX News and he has a right to say it," added Ailes. "We prefer people in the tent not dumping on other people in the tent." ....
Fox News has spent the most of any network on tonight's RTCA dinner buying 34 tables for a grand total of more than $85,000. Beck will not be at tonight's dinner.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/14/AR2010031402312.html?sid=ST2010031503503The Beck Factor at Fox: Staffers say comments taint their work
By Howard Kurtz
.... By calling President Obama a racist and branding progressivism a "cancer," Beck has achieved a lightning-rod status that is unusual even for the network owned by Rupert Murdoch. And that, in turn, has complicated the channel's efforts to neutralize White House criticism that Fox is not really a news organization. Beck has become a constant topic of conversation among Fox journalists, some of whom say they believe he uses distorted or inflammatory rhetoric that undermines their credibility.
Ailes has occasionally spoken to Beck about the negative tone of his 5 p.m. program. And Beck, in turn, sometimes seeks Ailes's advice.
Despite Beck's ascendance, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity remain marquee names at Fox, with "The O'Reilly Factor" still the highest-rated program, drawing 3.7 million viewers. O'Reilly has embraced Beck, showcasing him as a weekly guest. Despite strong resistance from Fox management, O'Reilly has joined forces with Beck on the so-called "Bold & Fresh Tour" (named for an O'Reilly book), speaking to sold-out audiences from Los Angeles to Tampa. ....