Edited on Thu Mar-18-10 05:17 PM by Truth2Tell
House "progressives" raised hundreds of thousands of dollars on the back of this letter. The next time these clowns try and sell us a similar load, please don't forget this.
July 31, 2009
Dear Madame Speaker, Chairman Waxman, Chairman Rangel, and Chairman Miller:
We write to voice our opposition to the negotiated health care reform agreement under consideration in the Energy and Commerce Committee.
We regard the agreement reached by Chairman Waxman and several Blue Dog members of the Committee as fundamentally unacceptable. This agreement is not a step forward toward a good health care bill, but a large step backwards. Any bill that does not provide, at a minimum, for a public option with reimbursement rates based on Medicare rates – not negotiated rates – is unacceptable. It would ensure higher costs for the public plan, and would do nothing to achieve the goal of "keeping insurance companies honest," and their rates down.
To offset the increased costs incurred by adopting the provisions advocated by the Blue Dog members of the Committee, the agreement would reduce subsidies to low- and middle-income families, requiring them to pay a larger portion of their income for insurance premiums, and would impose an unfunded mandate on the states to pay for what were to have been Federal costs.
In short, this agreement will result in the public, both as insurance purchasers and as taxpayers, paying ever higher rates to insurance companies.
We simply cannot vote for such a proposal.
Here are the 60 House members who ultimately signed:
Lynn Woolsey Raul Grijalva Carolyn Kilpatrick Jerry Nadler Phil Hare Lucille Roybal-Allard Keith Ellison Earl Blumenauer Mel Watts Donna Edwards John Olver Dennis Kucinich Laura Richardson Maxine Waters John Conyers Judy Chu Maurice Hinchey Hank Johnson Diane Watson Jackie Speier Bill Pascrell Lloyd Doggett Marcy Kaptur Mazie Hirono Bob Filner Linda Sanchez Marcia Fudge Barbara Lee Andre Carson Sheila Jackson Lee Michael Honda Jim McDermott William Lacy Clay Jim McGovern Yvette Clarke Eric Massa Chellie Pingree Jesse Jackson, Jr. Elijah Cummings Bennie Thompson Gwen Moore Donald Payne Fortney “Pete” Stark Ed Towns Corrine Brown Alcee Hastings Nydia Valezquez Luis Gutierrez Grace Napolitano Albio Sires John Tierney Mike Capuano Chaka Fattah Jose Serrano SamFarr Bill Delahunt Eddie Bernice Johnson Robert Wexler Emanuel Cleaver Gregorio Sablan
Fool me once....