of the critical final vote on health care reform, Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives know that the bill's passage likely hinges on the ability to convince members who voted 'no' on health care reform last November to switch the positions.
As of Monday, Congress-watchers believed that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was somewhere between five and ten votes shy of the 216 she needs to get health care through. On Thursday, however, her prospects brightened. A Congressional Budget Office report showed that the legislation will save $138 billion in the next decade while expanding coverage to 32 million uninsured.
The new details about the bill spurred several fence-sitting lawmakers -- including two members of Congress who opposed health care reform last year -- to announce they would switch their votes.
Late in the afternoon, the Denver Post reported that Rep. Betsy Markey (D-Col.) would support the bill after having been one of 39 House members who opposed it this fall.
SOME EARLIER HEALTH CARE UPDATES: Gordon and Markey switch from no to yes on health-care bill