This guy responded to a Facebook post of mine by whining that the "economy has been crippled" by the "unknown" uncertain future of 20% of the economy. He thinks Obama should just forget the whole health care reform thing so that Wall Street can swoop in and save the economy. If Obama backed down, this guy claimed, Wall Street would invest and create new jobs -- something it apparently is just itching to do, if only it could get some clarity about health care. This was my response:
The economy was crippled by the health care debate? Again, I think your rhetoric is out of sync with reality. The economy was in quicksand and sinking fast when Obama took the reins of the federal government. And the cause of the crisis was directly related to the adoption of “free market reforms” going back to Reagan.
Lowering the top marginal tax rate under Reagan made much worse the short-term-thinking, bonus-driven culture in the top ranks of corporations and Wall Street. Why invest for the long term when the tax code encourages you to extract as much cash as you can as quickly as you can? Add to that the dismantling of Depression-era banking laws and other forms of financial and business deregulation, and we were set up for the kind of collapse we saw in 2008.
Yes, some of this happened under Clinton. That just shows that even Democrats are susceptible to the bad conservative ideas.
Some people want to blame Wall Street. But that’s like blaming the lion for eating the antelope. Wall Street is predatory. It’s the nature of the beast. You can’t expect them to change and you don’t really want them to change very much.
As in nature, that predatory nature can be very useful in weeding out the sick and weak enterprises from the herd and strengthening the rest by allowing the best “genes” (read: ideas) to survive. But when the predators gain too many advantages (think: men with guns, replacing lions), then the whole balance gets thrown off and the system falls apart.
Conservatism is kind of like that. It celebrates the predatory, eat-or-be-eaten aspect of capitalism -- without realizing that, if all the antelopes get killed off, that ends up being bad for the hunters as well.