The obvious answer to our national indebtedness and weak fiscal position is a need for more revenue. What better place to get it than from those who stole it? Late last year US Senators, Harkin and Defazio promoted the establishment of a Wall Street transaction tax of only 1/4 of one percent that would have excluded IRAs and 401Ks and the first $100K in transactions. They estimated that it would have brought in $150 Billion a year into the Treasury. Why aren't they being taxed to help bail out our Treasury and bring our national revenue requirements into line, and they could have helped fund health care?
Obviously Wall Street greed has been the catalyst behind the latest economic debacle. Actually they have been one of the main catalysts behind the unfair trade policies that have decimated the USA over the last 3 or 4 decades. They've promoted the rush to the bottom that most Americans have experienced while a relative handful of these NYC financiers have reaped more wealth in a year than 90% of the middle class does in a lifetime. It is time for payback from these greedy bankers whose unethical actions have caused irreparable harm to our nation.
I would suggest instead of only a 1/4 of one percent that the tax should be 1% on all Wall Street transactions which would bring in $600 billion a year and enough to begin actually turning around our problems and improving the USA. Unless Wall Street starts to participate in and pay back the USA for all the collateral damage that they have done, and do their share to rebuild our nation, I'm in favor of outsourcing this gang of thieves to China or elsewhere. They currently do more harm than good and have put an enormous taint on America.