I thought that many DUers who are on Facebook might be interested in a group that I just became aware of. It's called: Can we find 10.000.000 people that oppose"Creation Science"by 25 Dec?
As most of us know, the religious right isn't all about religion--in fact, very little of their agenda is religion. It's all about politics, and placating the more extreme elements who we mostly know as the evangelical/fundamentalist wing of the party. And in trying to placate those morons, science has taken a backseat to the crap know as creationism, or their euphemistic "science" of intelligent design. This sort of--well, shit, I guess--has already been destroying the United States' position in the world as a scientific pioneer, and threatens to send us back at least 500 years, if not more.
So those of you on FB, if you can join up, the idea is to be a positive presence, reasonable and rational. No one on the far right could ever be considered either of those.