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why the right is so mis-informed

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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-19-10 06:49 AM
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why the right is so mis-informed

John Boehner was wrong about Ohio stimulus spending
By Karl Turner, The Plain Dealer
July 06, 2009, 5:43PM
WASHINGTON — When U.S. House Minority Leader John Boehner told a newscaster Sunday that not a single stimulus-funded road contract in his home state of Ohio had been let, he was wrong.

The Ohio Department of Transportation has OK'd 52 stimulus-funded road and bridge projects at a cost of nearly $84 million.

Boehner told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace that in Ohio, "the infrastructure dollars that were sent there months ago," as part of the economic recovery package, "there hasn't been a contract let, to my knowledge."

Karl Frisch, senior fellow for Media Matters, a media watchdog group that monitors news reports, said it seemed that Boehner, a Republician from West Chester in southwestern Ohio, might want to be more aware of what's going on in his home state.

Frisch said he also wanted Wallace to have some basic facts on the stimulus spending in Ohio if he's going to interview Boehner on the topic.

"This is something pretty basic," said Karl Frisch, senior fellow at Media Matters. "If you're going to interview someone on stimulus funding, you should know something about it." Media Matters, a nonprofit "progressive research and information center," monitors daily newspapers, Sunday news talk shows, and other media outlets looking for and correcting conservative misinformation.

The aim is to put the spotlight on the media to smarten up to stop politicians from "twisting the facts to serve their own talking points," Frisch said.

Boehner spokeswoman Jessica Towhey did not return phone calls. Wallace did not respond to an email.

An ODOT spokesman called Boehner's statement "disappointing."

And Scott Varner noted that ODOT had just OK'd six more stimulus road projects which will cost about $43 million.

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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-19-10 07:04 AM
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1. here's the other leader of the mis-informed

In KY, McConnell Brags About Stimulus Projects, Requests More Money; In DC, McConnell Says Stimulus Should End
Yesterday, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) demanded a halt to stimulus spending, saying money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act should be diverted to paying down the deficit. McConnell, who lead the opposition to the stimulus in the Senate, has been an ongoing critic. “You do have to wonder, though, whether the stimulus has had any impact at all,” mused McConnell earlier this month on Fox News. A McConnell spokesman recently summed up the senator’s sentiment, noting, “By any measurable index, the stimulus package has been a failure.”

But despite McConnell’s steady stream of criticisms and demands that money stop flowing to projects, he has been a vocal champion of the stimulus in his home state.

Yesterday — the same day he asked for Recovery Act money to be diverted — McConnell and Rep. Ben Chandler (D-KY) toured a construction site at the Blue Grass Army Depot in Madison County, Kentucky. The facility, which is used to contain and destroy chemical weapons compiled during the Cold War, is in desperate need of repair and has leaked Sarin gas as recently as last year. McConnell quickly took credit for the new construction, noting that he and Chandler had inserted an additional $5 million into the 2010 budget. McConnell bragged:

“This is going to be a source of significant employment. At the peak, we could have up to 600 people working on this, and we believe the substantial majority of those workers will be Kentuckians.”

However, McConnell conveniently forgot to mention that even more additional funds for facility construction were awarded through the stimulus. A Defense Department report states that $5,876,000 has been allocated from the Recovery Act to the Blue Grass facility for repairs. Chandler voted for the stimulus.

It’s not the first time McConnell has championed projects funded by the “failed” stimulus to his constituents. When Kentucky put forth a request for advanced battery technology funds from the stimulus, McConnell lauded the effort to ask for more money as “a major victory for the commonwealth of Kentucky” that would “allow the citizens of Kentucky to play a key role in accelerating America’s independence on foreign sources of oil.” At a town hall meeting last week in London, KY, McConnell slammed President Obama and his economic policies. But he then sheepishly added, “I hope London will get some of” the stimulus money.

Economic hypocrisy may be one of the lasting legacies of McConnell. Though he is claiming to oppose many of Obama’s reforms because of a principled sense of fiscal conservatism, as the New York Times has noted, McConnell won reelection last year on a platform boasting of his ability to bring back “old-fashioned pork” to his state.
If you note both these leaders of the right have had plenty of media coverage and rallied the troops with mis- information!
perhaps the right that follows these jokers ought to ask them just how much they say is fact- and how much is bull shit!
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