if she's on medicaid she can't afford the gas so I'd say like " thejoe the plumber" she's a made up enity! look at what the right elected: WASHINGTON — When U.S. House Minority Leader John Boehner told a newscaster Sunday that not a single stimulus-funded road contract in his home state of Ohio had been let, he was wrong.
The Ohio Department of Transportation has OK'd 52 stimulus-funded road and bridge projects at a cost of nearly $84 million.
Boehner told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace that in Ohio, "the infrastructure dollars that were sent there months ago," as part of the economic recovery package, "there hasn't been a contract let, to my knowledge."
Karl Frisch, senior fellow for Media Matters, a media watchdog group that monitors news reports, said it seemed that Boehner, a Republician from West Chester in southwestern Ohio, might want to be more aware of what's going on in his home state.
Frisch said he also wanted Wallace to have some basic facts on the stimulus spending in Ohio if he's going to interview Boehner on the topic.
"This is something pretty basic," said Karl Frisch, senior fellow at Media Matters. "If you're going to interview someone on stimulus funding, you should know something about it." Media Matters, a nonprofit "progressive research and information center," monitors daily newspapers, Sunday news talk shows, and other media outlets looking for and correcting conservative misinformation.