, I was on the "floor" of the House, where the House members vote. We now have over 80 for the Medicare You Can Buy Into Act, HR 4789. This three-and-a-half page bill says that anyone can buy Medicare at cost. It's the simplest public option you can imagine. You want it, you buy it, you got it.
What I'm finding on the floor is very interesting. I'm witnessing the impact of People Power. Walking around with a bill is how we sign up new supporters. I have a few advantages when I do this. One, I can hand out copies of our legislation, because it's short. Two, I can explain our legislation clearly, because it's so simple. Three, members want to talk to me. Because they have heard from you.
So what you and I are doing, together, is working.
Simplicity. People power. Principles. A movement.
It may feel small now, up against the lobbyists and the crooks. But Members of Congress are noticing. Insurance companies are noticing. The Federal Reserve and the big banks are noticing. And the media is noticing.
And we're growing.
Here is something else that we've done together. We've put together a campaign that is not funded by favor-seeking lobbyists and big shots. It's funded by you and people like you. Last quarter, we raised $500,000 dollars in one day, an average of $50 at a time. We topped every other House campaign.
But since then, the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations can spend unlimited sums of money to buy elections. In Massachusetts, the US Chamber of Commerce spent more than $1 million to wipe out the Democrats' filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.
We need to stand together against this corporate onslaught. On March 27, we're going to drop another moneybomb on the special interests. I need you to make a pledge to give to my campaign on that date, at moneybomb will work because we're a movement. You might only have $5 to give, or $100, but on March 27th, your $100 can become $100,000.
So come to our site, and help keep me on the floor of the House, working for you, instead of calling lobbyists, and begging from them.
http://www.congressmanwithguts.comDo it.