Let me let you in on something, this is what it's like not to have insurance and have to look at the actual costs of things: My wife had chest pains, we went to the emergency room and were well taken care of, without insurance. At least I thought we were, till I got the bill. 4 hours in the emergency room. $10,000. Now some of that was reasonable, but as I looked at the bill I started to see some things and ask questions. Like these:
Pain Relief: $30 What was pain relief? 2 Aspirin
Doctor visit: $750 she saw the actual doctor for maybe 15 minutes.
Hospital clothes $150 for the gown and a pair of paper slippers.
And my absolute favorite:
MRS $80 I had to talk to 4 people before I found out what this charge was.
M Mucas R Removal S System.
Mucas Removal System... Translated into English: TISSUES. $80 fucking dollars for a box of tissues.
It's not just greedy insurance companies, it's greed period. Yesterday a woman posted about her meds costing $3500 for a 2 month supply. Meds she needs to live. Without her insurance she'd be dead, because of COSTS. The whole system is fucked up, and this bill doesn't fix it. I just hope that all the people who keep claiming it's going to be fixed later are right, because if they are not, things are going to get worse.