vote over Terry Schiavo on
Palm Sunday 2005?<snip>
On Palm Sunday, three Republican Senators voted on SB686, a special bill directing a Federal Judge in Florida to hear an appeal from Terri Schiavo's parents regarding the 18 March removal of her feeding tube.
The Sun Sentinel reports that there were three Senators present for the "unanimous" vote: Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-TN ; Senator John Warner, R-VA ; and Senator Mel Martinez, R-FL.
The bill then moved to the House, where a simple majority of members was required for a quorum (there are 435 members) and where suspension of the rules required a two-thirds vote of those present. Democrats forced a roll call vote.
The bill passed 203 (156-Rs and 47-Ds) to 58 (5-Rs and 53-Ds) ; there were 174 members absent.