watch the video: is the 7th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of the Iraq War.
There's a temptation as we begin to end our combat presence in Iraq to search for a happy ending. But there has been no 'victory' in Iraq. We created this video as a reminder of the damage done to Iraq and to our country over the last seven years.
Moreover, we know that there will be no economic recovery here at home as long as we're spending $100 billion a year on another war that isn't making us any safer - the war in Afghanistan.
That's why we're asking everyone to report the Afghanistan War as an example of waste, fraud and abuse on the White House's official economic recovery website,, today. Simply scroll down to the field marked "What" and paste this message into the text box:
"I'd like to report the waste of billions of dollars of our national wealth in Afghanistan on a war that doesn't make us safer. It's fraud to portray this as a war that increases our security, and it's abusive of U.S. troops and local civilians to drag out this war any longer. End the war so we can have real economic recovery."
Thanks to Bush, the invasion and occupation of Iraq has been a massive waste of human life and treasure. Let's not let the Obama administration make the same mistake again in Afghanistan.
Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Foundation team