I'm so old I remember when it was discussed and then passed that fluoride would be put into our drinking water. "The Communists had infiltrated the water system and we were all gong to die." This was a little after the McCarthy hearings so communism and pinkos were all the rage back then. This was around the time of the Elvis era. Medicare...Oh lawd. The government was going to do all those horrible things they're presently saying about Health Care Reform. Everything from no choice of doctor, inferior medicines, killyour grandma, etc. .... you get my drift.
After HCR has settled in and has become a part of the national fabric, as fluoride (rarely do people get cavities these days unless they're not brushing)and medicare. Both of my parents had cancer, medicare covered their medical costs. Granted, they did not live long after diagnosis and my mother refused chemo but still. HCR, IMO, is going to end up being a wonderful right this country should have had years ago. Time to stop the angst and hand wringing, leave that to the pubbies.