This is one of those issues that we all have pretty solid opinions about by now. We aren't changing minds. The "discussion" is mostly just people posting articles that support their point of view, and the rest of us spouting off the same old rhetoric again and again. We aren't really saying anything new, and nobody's converting anyone else. The only thing that IS changing is that resentments and hostilities between the groups are escalating, and a lot of the battle lines are being drawn based on who supported who during the primary, rather than about the complexities of HCR itself. Frankly, at least on DU, this bill has become something of an enormous referendum on Obama himself rather than a piece of legislation to be considered solely on its own merits. Many of those who vehemently support the bill were also vehement supporters of Obama way back when. Many of the opponents of the bill also opposed his candidacy, and for many of the same reasons. In a way, we're basically just re-fighting the primary battle.
I feel for the people caught in the middle--those who were fervent Obama supporters before, but who see this bill as a bad thing for America, and vice-versa. They're treated like traitors by their former ideological comrades, and dismissed as "too little, too late" by those they agree with now.
As for me, I did not support Obama in the primary and I still don't believe he was the best choice for America, although I DID vote for him. I also oppose this bill, because I fear that an ineffective bill will set healthcare reform back further than no bill at all ever could. I fear that if the bill doesn't help a lot of people FAST, our short-attention-span nation will backlash against the Dems in a violent way, and we won't EVER be able to convince people that truly effective HCR is possible. I also worry about what will happen to my own family; I am still not convinced that the bill is able to overcome the welfare reforms that allow states to basically curtail federal benefits as they see fit. I'll have to wait and see how it actually works once it passes. Believe me, I'd love nothing more than to be wrong. I gain NOTHING by being "right", and stand to lose EVERYTHING. However, I can say with certainty that my opposition to this bill and my previous support for a candidate other than Obama are not intrinsically related. I do not oppose everything the President says or does just because it's HIM that's saying or doing it. Likewise, I think it's wrong to support everything the President wants to do just because you support and admire him in general.
The one thing I wish is that we could stop judging the quality of the message based on who the messenger supported during the primary, or appears to support NOW. Perceived "disloyalty" to Obama (or perceived loyalty to him) does not mean that EVERYTHING someone says is to be automatically rejected (or accepted). Judge a post on its own merits. Try to understand that a lot of people are really scared about what this bill might (or might not) do for their own families. It's really NOT a referendum on Obama, and we should neither support it nor oppose it based on whether or not we supported or opposed the President in general. There's plenty in this bill to debate about, and we don't need to call each other corporatists or leftbaggers, or start flinging around accusations of pandering or bashing, in order to accomplish that debate. God knows I've had my moments. I see something I feel is insulting to people like me, and I react emotionally (and usually with some amount of cruel sarcasm or vitriol). But I'm trying to get better. I don't like feeling like I'm constantly at war with the people who SHOULD be my allies. :(