San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station will get extra time to make significant security improvements to protect the plant against ”radiological sabotage.”
That, for the record, can be defined as a “malevolent act resulting in radiological dispersal that could affect the public.” Brrrr.
Updating its post-9/11-security requirements last year, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ordered all nuclear power plants “to protect, with high assurance, against radiological sabotage by designing and implementing comprehensive site security programs” to ward off this type of thing.
The NRC gave everyone a deadline of March 31 to get the work done.
Precisely what does the work consist of? Well, that information is secret (for rather obvious reasons), but suffice to say there are two additional requirements that San Onofre will not have completed when the deadline arrives in two weeks. Instead, San Onofre will get until Oct. 31 to make one of the mystery changes (an extra seven months); and until Jan. 31 to make the other mystery change (an extra 10 months).
The work will involve...