We’re Protesting the Wars on March 20th (And You Should Too!):
Because we support vets who are speaking out against the war. Also see: War veterans and resisters say all out for March 20th. As Iraq vet Mike Prysner put it, “Our real enemies are not those living in a distant land whose names or policies we don’t understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it’s profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it’s profitable, the insurance companies who deny us health care when it’s profitable, the banks who take away our homes when it’s profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us.”
Because over 5,000 U.S. troops and hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi civilians have been killed (and many more wounded) in wars for oil and empire. How many more must die for the lies of politicians?
Because wars and occupation do not equal liberation. Thousands of Afghan and Iraqi civilians have been killed by bombs dropped by U.S. and NATO planes. After 8 years of U.S. occupation Afghanistan remains the 4th poorest country in the world, and the 2nd most corrupt. UNICEF says that “Afghanistan today is without a doubt the most dangerous place for a child to be born,” with 1 in 4 Afghan children dying before the age of 5, most of preventable diseases. Female literacy rates, at 13%, haven’t improved despite the overthrow of the Taliban. The country is still ruled by corrupt warlords who have cut deals with U.S. occupying forces.
Because millions voted for peace in the 2008 elections, but instead we’re getting more war. Since Obama took office, he has doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan, escalated drone strikes on Pakistan, bombed Yemen and Somalia, and supported Israel’s war and blockade on the people of Gaza. The Obama administration is “on track to spend more on defense than any other president has in one term of office since World War II” (Government Executive). Rather than relying on politicians, we have to rebuild the anti-war movement if we want to stop this madness.
Because we want money for jobs, education, health care, and human needs not for war. While 15 million Americans are unemployed and 50 million have no healthcare, the U.S. spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined. Obama has chosen to add over 50,000 troops to Afghanistan, at the cost of $1 million per soldier per year. The war in Afghanistan alone now costs almost $200 million a day (i.e. twice as much as the U.S. pledged in aid to Haiti is spent on occupying Afghanistan EVERY DAY).
Because these wars are not about making ordinary people safer. U.S. bombings of innocent civilians, torture of prisoners, house raids, and support for corrupt regimes has only aggravated problems at the root of terrorist attacks. Further, Obama’s own national security adviser admitted there are less than 100 Al Qaeda members operating in Afghanistan (AP, 10/7/09). Many attacks have been planned and coordinated from within Western Europe.
Because we are opposed to endless war. Obama promised to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan in 2011. Yet days later, his defense secretary Robert Gates said, “Only a ‘handful’ of U.S. troops will leave Afghanistan in 2011.” Further, Gen. James Jones told CNN, “We have strategic interests in South Asia that should not be measured in terms of finite times. We’re going to be in the region for a long time” (NYTimes, 12/6/09). The U.S. still has over 100,000 troops in Iraq, and there are calls by some to leave a residual force of 10s of 1000s for years to come. We say: BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW! U.S. OUT OF IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN!
If you are in Minnesota:
If you’re ready to say that enough is enough and stand up against these wars being perpetrated by our government, join people from all over the Twin Cities on March 20th!
Saturday, March 20th
NOON: Youth/Student Feeder March – Gather in front of Sen. Klobuchar’s office, 1200 Washington Ave. S, Minneapolis
1:00pm – Gather at May Day Plaza, 3rd St. & Cedar Ave. on the West Bank in Minneapolis
1:30pm – March to closing rally, Bedlam Theater
2:15pm-4:00pm – Closing rally/concert @ the Bedlam
Featuring performances by:
2013 (members of Junkyard Empire)
and more!
Money for jobs, education, housing, health care, & human needs – not for wars & occupations
Foreclose the War, Not People’s Homes!
No Escalation — Hands off Pakistan, Iran, Yemen and Somalia