Literally capital cases,only, of course. But it has been 33 years since la Republique Francaise has executed anyone. They had to bring it to St. Pierre and Miquelon once in the 20th Century for an execution as there was no machine in the Atlantic. Had a busy run in French Indochina, back in the 30s when Cambodia, Laos, and Viet Nam were agitating for freedom from the Metro and under the traitor Petain and Hitler just loved it in Germany. It was considered the "great equalizer of the citizenry." Aristocrat or pauper, one sentence for treason and/or murder.
Consider that Britain could still burn or draw and quarter people back when the Revolution was afoot. Now they had not for a good generation or so, but the law held. The US colonies were still hanging Quakers and "witches" up to the 18th century in Mass. Other colonies were more "civilized," merely confiscating their goods, deporting them to the wilderness and beating them to the boundaries along the way after docking ears and cutting off noses. When Dickens was a boy, the theft of a loaf of bread could get one hanged at Newgate. By Vicky and her husband-first cousin's time they were growing a bit outraged at this, so it was reserved for the Irish, and generally indoors with only a few hundred tickets sold, mere transportation to Australia being sufficient on a ship that took months to get there with no fresh fruit and in chains most of the time, save for the weekly hosing above decks after the weekly hosing below.
This is what those who know not history would have us to return, the previous having obviously having been the best of all possible times, as we are all so rotten with our fancy smancy Kant and Hegel and Darwin and such rot, Martin King, Jesus Christ and "My Kingdom is not of this world," and "Let him without sin cast the first stone," and other rubbish fed by -- you all say it with me now, PROGRESSIVES!