Even from the nutball site, World Net Daily (which is trying to save Hannity's bacon)
"they" admit that from 2003 to now that Sean's "Freedom Concert" series
has donates $3.4 million to help wounded vets and scholarships for
the children of those killed but they failed to say that his organization has
taken in $48 million. Which works out to 7 cents on the dollar
But it is O.K. because they were building a "Scholarship Trust Fund."
"Freedom Alliance has distributed $3.4 million in scholarships and created a Scholarship Trust Fund with the additional money that we have raised
for that program. That fund now contains $15 million, over $10 million of which has been raised by Hannity and the concerts," the statement, signed by
Alliance President Thomas Kilgannon and Founder Oliver North, said.
"Our scholarship program is managed with the understanding that it will be needed for at least the next 20 years as there are children who will ultimately
receive a scholarship who are now only a few years old. As indicated on our Federal Form 990, these funds are restricted and used only for future scholarships."
I just spent about 20 minutes looking over the #s that the IRS filings by Freedom Alliance submitted and they are damning ..... lost an eye? here $200.00
2 legs, part of an arm, and your hearing here is $1,000.00 ....
If you can believe the #s that Ms. Schlussel is posting as per Freedom Works IRS filings the money given to the wounded vets and scholarships of kids
whose parent was killed in action is as follows: in 2003 they gave 3.6 cents per dollar raised, in 2007 they gave 7 cents per dollar raised, and in 2008
they gave 12 cents per dollar raised.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/19/debbie-schlussel-hannitynorth-scam-troops-with-freedom-alliance/BTW Fox news' John Kasich is supposed to have Sean Hannity come do a fund raiser for his run for Governor in Ohio in April .....
John already has the baggage of all the money he made at Lehamn Brothers already ..... you might be able to tell if the dirt on Hannity
is true or not if Kasich does not have Hannity show up in Ohio and stump for him.