I'm new to the Democratic Underground and this is my first real post. I'm trying to bring attention to a 2 1/2 year on going legal battle with The Bank of New York Mellon. In October of 2007 I was fired for engaging in the same behavior as my coworkers. The only difference between me and my coworkers is that I am bipolar. For seven of the ten years I worked there I made no effort to hide my illness. I embraced who and what I was.
The original reason given for my termination was that I "defaced company property". When a former coworker sent me the evidence to refute the claim the reasons for dismissal shifted to "he was a direct threat", even though the company did not meet the criteria set forth in a recent case. What made this worse was the string of lies generated by The Bank of New York Mellon.
Coworker statements, affidavits, depositions, emails, and host of primary source documents support my claims. So what do a corporate giant do when they are caught in numerous lies? Simple, they use litigation delaying tactics, renege on promises of meaningful mediation, and then delay again.
Because of this case I have become virtually unemployable. With that said, I want to make this case as public as possible even though I don't know if The Bank of New York Mellon cares too much about their reputation. They'll go on to tell people how diverse they how, how green they are, or how much they put back into the community (pretty much mostly all bullshit). I asking as many people as possible to visit my website and pass my story around. I never know who will pick it up, but maybe, just maybe I can make this the embarrassment it should be.
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