's all in the family! Senator Chris Dodd writes a financial reform bill but forgets to regulate derivatives, "financial weapons of mass destruction." Then we find out that his wife works for the owners of two exchanges that will very likely benefit from Dodd's "reform" legislation.
They make the rules. They take the money, all of it, and leave us with debt. And they tell us it's all legal.
Here's the story.
March 19, Los Angeles Times by Nathaniel Popper
In the middle of a blog item about credit default swaps, Felix Salmon of Reuters drops the following nugget about Sen. Chris Dodd and the CME Group, which owns the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Mercantile Exchange.
"Dodd's wife, Jackie Clegg, is a director of the CME, which paid her $153,219 in 2009; she also owns shares in the company worth about $235,000. (The CME makes no mention of her husband on its website or in its SEC filings, despite the fact that he's surely a big part of the reason why she has the position.)"
Why is this notable? (Full story)
Why? Because the Senator, who is supposed to represent the people, left out a big piece of necessary financial reform. He forgot the tight regulation or out right banning of derivatives - a form of gambling illegal in the stock market for nearly 100 years before Congress brought it back to life.
Look what Warren Buffet says about derivatives in the press in 2003 and his 2002 annual report.
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