The Tea Party movement might like to think that it stands for a new revolutionary wave of political activism. But there is absolutely nothing that separates the Tea Party movement from some of the most homophobic and racist elements of American politics. Need proof? Just ask Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Andre Carson, and Rep. John Lewis.
As the Tea Party movement swarms like an agitated group of bees inside the Beltway, trying to stop passage of health care reform, they're taking their aggression out on any Democratic lawmaker they can get within five feet of. That includes Reps. Frank, Carson and Lewis. So how did Tea Party activists greet these guys?
By calling Barney Frank a "f**got" and calling Reps. Carson and Lewis the N-word. Classy, eh? Like mixing Marge Schott and David Duke, with a little Rev. Fred Phelps thrown in for extra seasoning. This isn't a rebirth of political activism. These are the same right-wing homophobes and racists who have been responsible for some of the worst moments in American history. Call them Tea Partiers, call them white nationalists, or call them anti-gay activists. Either way, they're all the same.
But really, should anyone be surprised by today's outburst? These are the same folks who just this week attacked an elderly man with Parkinson's disease. That's right, while protesting health care reform, a group of angry white folks started heckling an old man with Parkinson's, throwing crumpled up dollar bills in his face, telling him to get a job, and blaming him for creating socialized medicine.