That's transform, not reform by continuing to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.
This is from prolific writer, educator, and activist Susan Ohanian's website She contributed to getting this book published:
DATE: March 20, 2010
SUBJECT: Educating for Human Greatness
MEDIA CONTACT: Anthony Dallmann-Jones PhD
PHONE: (920) 251-2052
Every 100 years or so a book is published that can affect the strength and character of a nation. Such is the power of Educating for Human Greatness by Lynn Stoddard in alliance with a group of seasoned master educators and spearheaded by Dr. Anthony Dallmann-Jones, a professor of education and Director of the National At-Risk Education Network. The new book - a highly anticipated 2nd edition which has been fully updated and expanded by 50% - advocates a major paradigm shift in education to address two major problems:
1 - Nearly one out of every three students drops out from high school in our country each year. Graduation rates steadily rose from 1870 until they peaked in 1969 at 77%. Since then, the graduation rate has been in decline, to the current rate of about 70%. This is despite No Child Left Behind (on which the Feds spent 25B a year and the states an average of 25M annually). A recently released Whitehouse fact sheet documents that "Every school day about 7,000 students decide to drop out of school - a total of 1.2 million students each year! As a result of this "dropout crisis," a Whitehouse fact sheet states, "the nation loses $319 billion a year in potential earnings."
2 - The U.S. incarcerates more people per capita than any other country for a cost of nearly 50 billion dollars a year. Dropouts comprise 70% of the prison population and 81% of inmates are illiterate.
"Obviously, something is not working in education today," state Stoddard and Dr. Dallmann-Jones. "Having high standards and high-stakes testing for student uniformity in another form under the current administration will NOT fix it! We need a whole new way of looking at this VERY SERIOUS problem: We need an educational paradigm shift."
Educating for Human Greatness is a revolutionary book that calls for a new mission for public education: "We need to begin thinking of developing great human beings to be contributors, not burdens, to society. The proposed paradigm shift that has become known as Educating for Human Greatness began to emerge while teachers in five elementary schools over several years worked in full partnership with parents to determine and meet the individual needs of several thousand unique (aren't they all?) children. They discovered, over a period of time, this puzzling paradox: Students achieve more in curriculum when student achievement in curriculum is not the main goal. With this discovery, the authors became aware of a sobering thought: We may be impeding human development when we try to standardize students in reading, writing, math and other disciplines. We may actually be stunting their growth!
In the book, Stoddard and Dallmann-Jones relate what happens when the main goal is human development over curriculum development - a celebration of diversity rather than a focus on children's deficiencies. Student accomplishment in curriculum skyrockets as a bonus when subject matter content is used to help students grow in seven major powers:
1. Identity - The power of self-worth that comes from developing unique talents and gifts; 2. Inquiry - The power of curiosity;
3. Interaction - The powers of love and human relationships;
4. Initiative - The power of self-discipline and willpower;
5. Imagination - The power of creativity;
6. Intuition - The power of the heart to sense truth; and
7. Integrity - The power of honesty and responsibility.
The authors believe that if educational leaders are really set on having students achieve in curriculum, they will change from having curriculum as a goal to having it as a means of helping students grow in these seven dimensions of human greatness so they can be valuable contributors to society. One of the most noticeable results is how students learn the basic skills of reading, writing and math - as tools of inquiry and interaction, without pressure, each at the right time and with a love for doing it. One exciting message of Educating for Human is that Every Child Can Excel in something IF educators are willing to embrace diversity rather than see it as a hurdle. The book serves as a guide for parents and teachers to use in drawing forth the unique GREATNESS that lies within themselves AND in each amazing child.
Educating for Human Greatness comes off the Peppertree Publishing Press in mid-March and will be available on Amazon and through regular bookstores soon. Those wanting more information, or an earlier purchase, may go to:— Press Release
Educating for Human Greatness