it doesn't matter what the issue, LGBT Americans get no help from from those that should be supporting GLBT people.
Melanie Nathan 3-19/10. On Sunday, March 21st the March for America – will attract tens of thousands of immigrant and immigrant rights activists to the mall in D.C. all marching for much needed immigration reform.
The speaker lineup has been announced by the organizers. Despite a marching contingent from Immigration Equality, there is no speaker to represent the bi-national LGBT spouse interest or Pro UAFA advocacy in the lineup of speakers.
This could mean a few things, all of much concern; either we have yet to be noticed, our cause is insignificant when compared to 12 million immigrants seeking documentation, or we remain the ‘dirty little secret’ that may be get a nod at the end of the day. (literally and figuratively.)
This is disappointing and rather odd, especially when the line up is so clergy cluttered. I plan on sending out some e-mails tonight to some of the speakers begging for hem to give us a mention. Ben Jealous for one, is first on my list.
UPDATED 3/20/10
I spoke today to the organizers. They said they were very much aware of the LGBT issue. That they had also received many calls for what the termed a “campaign” to get speakers on the Agenda. The Media representative said shehad been rudely treated by our community. They had taken notice of LGBT issues by Inviting Congressman Mike Honda specifically because he is an advocate for LGBT community.
That does not however explain why advocacy groups in our community received no forum.