At this point, all Washington state Democratic congressmembers have weighed in on the health-care bill, except for Brian Baird of the 3rd District. He voted against it last time around, and is stepping down from Congress this year.
Here is the comment I sent to his web-site:
I am a long-time Washington state Democrat who has, almost certainly, given of my time and money to help you get to Congress.
Currently, being self-employed, I have insurance coverage through my wife's employer. If that coverage were to cease, I'd have no choice but to go on the individual market...where, this year, rates are going up 39% in some parts of the country. That is simply something I could never survive.
Please, I beg you: don't be the deciding vote that would deny us the health-care reform we so desperately need!
James Walley
When I submitted the comment, I was directed to a screen informing me that, because my zip code was not in his district, my comment would not be passed along to him. :-(