Edited on Sun Mar-21-10 11:41 AM by Blackhatjack
When the mighty Soviet Union fell, many gave Ronald Reagan credit for a rapid buildup of our military that forced the Soviet Union into a Cold War build up that bankrupcted the Soviet Union.
Not quite.
In hindsight, we now know that prior to and during the Reagan Administration the Soviet Union lost the battle to control the information its people received from outside its borders. Once the people learned that the years of State produced propaganda was false and what the standard of living was in the rest of the developed world, it was impossible to 'control' the masses, and it led to a breakdown of iron-fisted government power.
There is a parallel in the United States today in that the corporatists' agenda could not be carried out without the valuable assistance of the Mainstream Media which pretends to be impartial in coverage of major events that directly affect the masses, but in fact carries the water time and again for the Republican Party and their corporate masters.
You can't raise resistance and rebel against corruption until the people learn the truth --and that is why we should be targeting the MSM outlets to bring attention to their role in destroying the Middle Class and protecting the profits and bonuses of the corporate and economic elites.
Educate the people and deception will lose its power.