been because we DON'T WANT HCR, We DO!! It's simply because it's been so WATERED down and compromised that it hardly seems like REFORM!! To some it seems that HCR NEEDS to be passed just so they can say it GOT DONE!!
I so WISH I could have some real assurance that it will be RE-VISITED with VIGOR, and more provisions will be implemented to make it actually BE HCR!!
I myself have spoken out against the watering down and how so many have been almost "forced" to agree and/or vote for this simply because it's a START! My WISH is that this will be so... A START!! Because if it's not simply a start, this doesn't seem to be HCR, it's just a bill to save face for OBAMA!! I agree that there is "some" good here, but I can't say with a straight face that this is REAL REFORM!
And I TRULY DO WISH, within my soul that this IS JUST A START! Of course, THIS will have to pass first! The work has just begun, we can't go back and start over, that much I KNOW... but "we the people" still need to be RELENTLESS in our efforts to have REAL HCR!!!
It's been said many times that watching the "sausage making" in Congress is a nasty process, but never have I seen it NASTIER! At this very moment, it must go forward if only to "spit" in the face of the Repukes who have done EVERYTHING in their power to MISLEAD this country!
Having said that, there have been many Democrats who have MIS-LEAD their own BASE, and the WH seems to have been "complicit" in misleading so many of us who THOUGHT we bought something much different!! And we did contribute MANY hard earned dollars to get this man elected. Not to mention the countless hours of very hard work done by millions who pounded the pavements and did what was asked of us to help him reach his place in history! And I'm NOT talking about the "history" of him being a person of color, just the HISTORY that he was elected President like those before him!
Only TIME will tell! But just thinking NAFTA makes me feel uneasy!
PRESSURE must be applied to staunch the blood seeping from the wound!!