Edited on Sun Mar-21-10 03:48 PM by SoCalDem
Dem leadership has FOUR MONTHS to make something HAPPEN..and a LOT better happen, so that ordinary folks can SEE that there is a direct benefit to them..NOW..not in 4 years, or 8 years or even 1 year.
I hope they have a bunch of bureaucrats ready to hit the floor, running... and get as many as possible benefits of this bill up-and-running...and SOON..
They better have a team of wordsmiths at-the-ready to craft the language of "the sell".. August '10 is going to be UGLIER than Aug '09, because the republicans saw how easy it was last year to control the message and to disrupt any civilized discourse.. They are bolder now, and have crossed many "lines" we thought even they would not cross.
If people start to SEE benefits to themselves & their families, it will be harder to scare them .