Some say Mitt Romney is the GOP frontrunner for 2012...Well, old Mitt was for universal health-care as governor of MA. (his plan even had a mandate), now he'll be against it as (assuming he's) the Rethug nominee....
Practically all rethugs make my skin crawl, but Romney is the worst IMO..
"In a peculiar way, passage of the bill probably helps Sarah Palin get the Republican nomination in 2012 because it hurts the current front runner, Mitt Romney. If the Republicans dig in their heels and make repeal their heart of their strategy for the next 2 years, it will be more than a bit awkward for Mitt Romney to explain how Romneycare, which he signed into law as governor of Massachusetts on April 12, 2006, and which he has repeatedly cited as a great achievement, differs from Obamacare, which the Republicans are going to spend two years violently attacking. Romneycare also has an individual mandate, the most-hated feature of Obamacare. How is Romney going to convince people that a mandate to buy insurance is a good thing if it is in state law but a bad thing if it is in federal law? This is a subtle point that is going to be lost on most voters. On the other hand, Palin will be free to attack Obamacare as a horrible thing without being accused of being a flip-flopper and a hypocrite".