Dear lurking freeps and sleeper cell freeps who build up their post counts and post ridiculous shit so they can run back to the coven and form a circle jerk with their fellow clueless inbred brothers and sisters and laugh about how they got tombstoned on an articulate and witty site like Democratic Underground,
I'll be brief, because I know the time you are taking to read this is pulling you away from listening to El Rushbo, and that must hurt like hell.
Here it is.
YOU (The Republican Party) are Scott Tenorman.
WE (The DEMOCRATIC PARTY...not the "DEMOCRAT PARTY," you illiterate fucks) are Eric Cartman.
And MMMMMMM, your tears are so yummy and sweet!We savor them because your ignorance, bigotry, and child-like fear of anything you don't hear on Fox News or right wing hate radio won't save you from the fact that...drum roll...
Barack Obama is the man America elected as its 44th President, and he is GETTING THE JOB DONE.
And if you read DU (and we KNOW that you DO), you know that WE aren't Kool-Aid sippers and WE aren't 100% in agreement with the way he's done it.
But he hasn't spent the majority of his time clearing brush on his movie set ranch, either. Think about it. I know it hurts, but think about it.
"Damn! This Presidentin' is HARD work!"Oh, I know you like to suckle at the warm and comforting hind teats of your favorite purveyors of GOP talking points, and piss and moan about "ObamaCare" while you demand to see his "real" birth certificate, and your plastic dashboard Jesus is a woman from Alaska who can neither read nor comprehend the simplest of political concepts (Bush Doctrine, anyone?) and quit her job as an elected official so she could go on a tour for her ghost-written book and become a Fox News correspondent and share her innermost thoughts (!) on Facebook, but let me tell you this.
When you...or a loved one...succumbs to a debilitating illness (and I hope that day never comes, but if it does)...and you are able to receive the medical treatment you need...I can promise you ONE THING.
You'll kiss the ground President Barack Obama walks on.
And while you probably won't agree with me today, you'll enjoy it a hell of a lot more than you enjoy kissing Rush Limbaugh's ass on a daily basis.
Amerigo Vespucci