Mine and my husband's situation mirror yours in many ways. Same age group, and we sold our business to retire this year, as he has MS and really needed an early retirement. In 2006, when his symptoms first began, we discovered that our "insurance" was little more than a discount card, and had a hospitalization max of $20,000. By the time we got a diagnosis, we'd spent close to $30,000 of our own money. While it was a financial hit, I found myself acutely aware of those who must be going through similar situations without insurance or money to find out what was wrong. I realized how much more frightened I would have been to watch my spouse get sicker and have to just wonder what was wrong and wonder if he was dying. Fortunately, we had some money for tests. Of course, once he was diagnosed, insurance was an issue, as we certainly didn't want to keep the joke of a policy that we had. Texas has an un-insurable pool, so for a hefty premium and high deductible, he has what amounts to catastrophic coverage ($5,000 annual deductible). My son and I have a policy with a different ins. company where we basically have the same type of coverage. ($5600 annual deductible) Those are in-network deductibles, and there are equal deductibles for out of network doctors and health care facilities. So, it costs us close to $1000 a mo. to have some degree of protection from bankruptcy. Shortly after Thanksgiving, we went to Costa Rica for stem cell therapy for MS. Of course, that is also out of pocket, as it is not FDA approved or allowed in the US. We knew that before going, so it was a price we were willing to pay, and haven't regretted it in the least, as he is greatly, greatly improved. Sorry for the rambling, but all of this is to say that although it's not the bill that I would have wished into law, I think it's a start...and probably the best that we could have gotten in this political climate. I become very emotional when I realize what courage it takes to march through a group of people who are willing to yell rude and racial epithets, and to spit on you while holding signs with pictures of pistols on them. The Dems are making me proud today! God bless them.