It's a rider that gets attached to the big appropriations bill every year. The wording changes from year to year, but the basic premise is that no federal monies appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services will be used to pay for an abortion, save in cases of rape, incest, or if the mother might die.
We don't need to repeal Hyde to get rid of it. We just need to STOP RENEWING IT. There's no law that says we HAVE to put it in there every year; we just do it because it's an easy way to make good political hay. Unfortunately, Democratic politicians tend to value the swing votes of misogynistic fetus-clutchers over the votes of free-thinking, liberated women and the best interests of poor women nationwide. After all, what motivation is there to worry about the votes of women who support choice? Where else are they gonna go? They get to "choose", all right--between the party that wants them chained back to their kitchens, and the party that wants the same thing, except with softer, more comfortable chains.
Want to see Hyde go away? Make choice a voting priority, for once and stick to it! Tell your Congresscritters that you've had enough; no more support, cash, or votes until they take a stand against the Hyde Assault on Poor Women. This is something that would be EASY to fix once and for all if we can just summon up the political will to do so.