I as a chronically ill person with a pre-existing condition apparantly does not exist to either the far right or the far left. I listen to the Republicans claiming Americans don't want health care reform. THATS BULLSHIT. Its also complete bullshit that no one but the insurance companies benefit from this bill.
I've ranted about this before..
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x6970101But I think its worth reminding people, that this bill will benefit some of us. Is it a flawed bill? Of course it is.
Its bad enough for the Republicans to pretend I don't exist or that my condition is my fault. But it turns my stomach to see post after post here basically saying they'd rather have the status quo than this bill. People who say that are people who don't have experience playing the insurance "game" like I have...The funny thing is, when my insurance company can't find a loophole to get out of doing what they say they are gonna do for me, they actually do a good job for me. I know I'm fairly lucky in that my employer pays a decent amount of coverage but still...My out of pocket expenses for my visit to Mayo clinic last year were $70. So sometimes insurance companies do what they are supposed to do. I pay $25 per month for my interferon, which would cost me out of pocket $2,000 per month without insurance. So lets not pretend that insurance doesn't help anyone because its helping me- now that Mayo and I made sure they couldn't weasel out of covering me
Would I like to see more people be able to get access to the level of care I get? Of course. But lets not pretend that HCR isn't welcomed intensely to people like me, because it is. I'll be able to sleep better at night knowing that one day my insurance company doesn't say..Oh you've reached your lifetime spending cap, we won't pay for you anymore...
Rant over.