This HCR bill is the first major expansion of the social safety net since the 60's. Reagan was against Medicare and Reagan Republicans have been essentially undefeated since the 80s in lessening government's role. This bill represents a real reversal in that trend, although it relies more on regulations than on the creation of new government agencies However, the lower income citizens of the country should benefit, especially those who will receive significant subsidies under this plan.
But it is only a beginning. All of the heavy lifting in this bill still uses the private sector to pay for health care, which is inefficient and wastes money. There is a great need to follow this up with the creation of an efficient government-run health organization that could be made into a single-payer solution. At the moment Rep Alan Grayson's bill that would allow a Medicare buy in is the next best hope. Please help him get support for HR4789 only way it can be passed with the current congress is through reconciliation, in order to bypass the need for 60 votes in the Senate. Therefore it must be attached to other reconciliation legislation (or rewritten to save money by for example charging some percentage over cost to in effect lower the deficit/save medciare.)
How could this lead to single-payer? Once millions of people have bought into Medicare and are satisfied with the service, health care companies will be forced out of business in competing with the more efficient Medicare program, bringing even more people in. Eventually, all that would be necessary is legislation that converts the buy-into a program run by taxes, such as HR676.