By Matt Coker, Friday, Mar. 19 2010 @ 4:58PM
An anti-tax group and a coalition of businesses quietly led by Texas oil companies have launched a signature drive for a November ballot initiative that would suspend California's pioneering law to combat global warming.
Meanwhile, a Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)-bankrolled measure that consumer groups and other utility companies characterize as a--ahem--power grab by the Northern California energy giant has already made the June 8 ballot.
Assembly Bill 32, which requires California greenhouse gas levels to be rolled back to 1990 levels by 2020, was signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, naturally, opposes the initiative, saying it would cripple the state's emerging clean-energy industry.
But backers maintain the measure, which suspends those greenhouse-gas goals until the jobless rate drops back to 2006 levels, is needed if California wants to recover from the recession. AB32 will increase fuel and energy costs, which will be passed on to consumers, they maintain.