In my previous article, I wrote about the very expensive American circus. Today I want to tell you about the monster in our midst. Are you aware that wherever you go, whatever you do the monster is there and probably is doing you no good? No, Im not paranoid. The monster is very real, very large, very powerful, very abusive in using its power, and is why we have that very expensive circus. What is this monster? Its the corpocracy, a marriage made in Hell between our government and large corporations. This monster is ruling and ruining America and Americans...
A Few Telltale Signs of The Monsters Domination
(1) Over Our Personal and Cultural Lives
Dominates and manipulates the mass media;
Commercializes and privatizes our education;
Commercializes our religion;
Ceaselessly promotes materialism and consumption;
Uproots our homes for commercial development;
Callously forecloses on our homes; and,
Allows bridges to collapse; gushing poop from broken sewers; etc.
(2) Over Our Economic Lives
Gouges us with outrageous interest fees;
Creates haves and have-nots;
Gives us substandard wages if we have a job;
Downsizes us;
Outsources our work;
Emasculates our unions;
Creates monopolies and Big Box stores;
Causes the collapse of our small business firms;
Creates the unsafe/unhealthy products we buy;
Privatizes and degrades our public utilities;
Starves and privatizes our social services;
Devours and bankrupts honorable companies; and,
Favors Wall Street over our Main Street every time;
(3) Over Our Self-Governing Lives
Buys politicians we dont want or deserve;
Gets Supreme Court rulings against us;
Hand picks judges who judge against us;
Lobbies intensely for its own special interests, not ours;
Always trumps our interests with corporate interests;
Hi-jacks OUR Constitution;
Controls laws and regulations and escapes accountability; and,
Scams state and local governments for subsidies;
(4) Over Our National Security
Promotes and profits from endless wars;
Privatizes the military; and,
Weakens our true security by breeding dissent.
(5) Over Our Environment
Treats natural resources as commodities and waste dumps; and,
Thumbs its nose at Mother/Father Nature.