....to Lieberman and drop the Medicare Buy In "because we only have 59 votes" are still in the Senate.
The only reason the Medicare Buy In was not in this bill is because of White House's deal with the for-profit hospital industry.
Grayson's bill is nice window dressing for gutless "progressives" to sign on as co-sponsors for a bill going nowhere so they can claim to favor a Medicare Buy In, to cover for their shameless complicity in passing a lobbyist written industry give-away.
The sad truth is that party I worked for does not have the guts to take on the cartel, but they have the gall to hand the middle class an unfunded mandate:
(43% of Americans will be ineligible for subsidies, more will be forced into the individual market, which the CBO says will experience an ACCELERATION in premium inflation, even as the CBO optimistically predicts group rates will continue to inflate at "only" the same astronomical rate, DESPITE the expansion in coverage and the resultant decline in uncompensated care) Only with "customers" captive by a no-public-option mandate, with neither effective price controls nor competition, will corporate interests be able to continue the price gouging that was in past said to be due to the vast amount of uninsured, uncompensated care, but which even the CBO predicts to continue DESPITE EXPANSION (by mandate) OF COVERAGE, and a reduction in uncompensated care.
When I turned on C-SPAN yesterday and saw a California Democratic representative shamelessly talking as if this bill was "taking on" the insurance industry, I felt nothing but nausea.
The Republicans have kept their hands clean, but after the voter backlash, the Republicans will NEVER reverse the unfunded mandate on the middle class.
Never have we seen a better example of why the corporate interests need two "opposing parties" of whores.
"If Barack Obama’s bill gets changed to exclude the public entities, it is not health insurance reform…it rises and falls on whether the public is allowed to choose Medicare if they’re under 65 or not. If they are allowed to choose Medicare as an option, this bill will be real health care reform...."
- Howard Dean