Edited on Mon Mar-22-10 09:24 AM by ChairmanAgnostic
Dear Speaker Pelosi:
Early on, I was first elated, then angered, as you took control over 435, independent, self-satisfied, excess felines, and tried to herd them in one direction. I even blogged both in favor, then later, against your efforts. Silly me. I should have stuck with my earliest blogs. Please accept this note of congrats, at the same time as I will erase those few blogs that criticized your tenure as House Speaker.
It struck me late last night, as I was toasting the TV screen one last time, smiling, happy, and relieved that HCR is finally at hand. No matter what happens in the senate, you succeeded where no one else has even come close. It struck me just how tough your job was. The penny dropped as to just how hard you worked, day in and day out, considering territory, bruised egos, the Blue Cur Demoncrats, and to top it off, a lock-stepping, unified Party of No Know. Your patience amazes me. Your energy is rubbing off on me. Your insight, perseverance and people skills makes my jaw drop in awe.
I have no doubts that the MSM will ignore your hard work. I am sure that you will continue to be burned in effigy by Tea Baggers and the most conservative, non-thinking segment that populates the fringes of the GOP. I know that you will be attacked, in part because you have been incredibly successful. And I realize that HCR is still not even over. You did everything you could to force the senate to behave (heh, I can't begin to understand how difficult of a task that was) and they still may go back on their word. But, the hardest job is done. You made this happen. You made America a better place. You deserve a dozen roses, which I think I will send to your California office. Because, you, more than anyone else, need a break, a vacation.
Just look at the line up you dealt with. Bart Stupak threatened to stop everything. Yet, you worked, you cajoled, you pushed, pulled, negotiated, talked, and most of all you did it with respect and honesty in a way that managed to get him and his little anti-abortion group on board. Amazing. You dealt heads up with Dennis Kucinich, in a way that gave him (and other progressives) an honorable way out, without rubbing their faces in it. You kept another 218 people in line, and even were kind enough, and confident enough to let those one or two desperate supporters an out, just so they can come back after November.
Please accept this toast, Speaker Pelosi: Cheers, my hat's off to you. Congrats for a job extremely well done!
We owe you a great deal. America owes you a great deal. (Psst, and the president owes you his now successful presidency)