Belatedly, I'm impressed and very grateful for the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
After watching the entire House debate on C-span yesterday (rarity for me so having the vote on a Sunday helped), I had no idea what House Democrats and she had to put up with!
Those rabid robotic Republican reps are dangerously unstable.Madame Speaker leads our only defense against the ominous potential come-back of this right-wing faction.
That's what I am most impressed with . . .her staunch defense FOR US against these FANATICS.. . between them and us like the proverbial Dutch boy putting a finger in the dike.I still have my disagreements with her actual policy details. . .no public option. . .no impeachment on the table. . .I've held that grudge against her for some time. . .castigating her as part of some DLC cave-in.
BUT after seeing the nature of the beast during these health care bill debates, I finally get it.She is not a meek DLCer.
Speaker Pelosi is a PERSEVERING PROGRESSIVE.Her father's FDR Depression era political legacy are showing loud and clear., there are her entire delivery abilities to laud. What a contrast between Republican Boehner's speech and hers. . .he had to YELL to compensate for his vapid, inaccurate message. He confirms the old saying, "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."
Speaker Pelosi has
superior diction and empathetic speaking style because she's cut from a better cloth.
And, as I've said before on this message board, she's the
"Queen of Zingers" by ALWAYS rebutting the rabid Republican points. . .re-listen to the end of her HCR speech when she remarks how the bill (now law) has 200 Republican amendments, a bipartisan bill if not a bipartisan support shown by them in this debate. That FACT shut down Mr. Boehner's charge of Democratic party dictatorship, didn't it! (near 3:45 mark on c-span vclip), Madame Speaker, as a woman, shines a bright light on women's inequalities that still persist as with the insurance companies rejecting wife battering claims. I felt that one in the heart. . .thanks Nancy.
She's one classy smart spunky lady and we're lucky she's on our side.
:applause: :yourock: :applause: :yourock: :applause: