Those folks that are criticizing the bill that was passed last night are not living in the real world or have simply forgotten recent history.
Yes, everyone wanted a single-payer or a public option. Otherwise, the bill was not worth the paper it was written on.
However, if we recall, the bill could not make it thru the Senate with a public option in it. There would have been no bill at all. Perhaps, some folks think the status quo is better than what was passed? I disagree with that. But that was the only choices we had. The status quo or a bill without a public option. That is the political reality.
The House would not have had a bill to vote on at all if they had insisted on the public option. It would not have made it thru the Senate on the first round. Joe Lieberman was against it, if you recall?
If your premiums are going up 10% a year under the status quo, how long can we go on? If our premiums go down, as the proponents say they will, what is the difference between the status quo and now? Other than that 31 million people will now have coverage and the other benefits that have been enumerated by numerous people here?
You can be against the bill but you cannot ignore political realities.