While I am generally sympathetic to gun owners and am one myself, I have never appreciated the NRA's tactics or meddling in RW issues unrelated to gun control.
This May in Charlotte, NC, the NRA is having its annual "American Values Forum."
http://www.nraam.org/events/cavfe.htmlAnd who has this organization chosen to discuss American values?
Featured speaker include Fox "News" professional liar Sean Hannity. His employer, Rupert Murdock, is the Joseph Goebbels of our time and Hannity serves his master very well. This is not news to most here. Rather than a reputable journalist, this huge organization has chosen to alienate anyone who might agree with the individual right to own or carry firearms who does not buy into the fascist agenda.
Also featured is former House speaker Newt Gingrich, the guy who served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer. Is that an "American value?" And of course that does not even touch on his radical record while in office.
Most objectionable of all is Oliver North, a traitor to the United States who sold weapons to Iran who, if not the enemy, was certainly unfriendly. He then disregarded Federal law and interfered with the Nicaraguan civil war by funding the far-right counter-revolutionaries. He then lied his ass off under oath to Congress. A Federal jury convicted him of perjury, but it was overturned on the kind of technicality RWers bemoan when it applies to poor people. And this asshole is elevated by the right as a patriot while Jane Fonda gets vilified and libeled because she took a few photos. So, treason and dishonesty are now an "American values."
The forum will be entertained by noted fascist, Charlie Daniels.
Another conference on American values leadership features America's favorite brownshirt and professional liar, Sarah Palin. Quitting and superstition are apparently American values too. Also featured is anti-UN former UN ambassador John Bolton representing paranoia and xenophobia as values.
The whole thing kicks off with a prayer breakfast hosted by con artist and charlatan, Jonathan Falwell, who succeeds his father as a hateful, bigoted, fundamentalist preacher.
Better hurry if you want tickets!
POST SCRIPT: I really resent these self-rightous, paranoid, hateful, fear-mongers promoting themselves as the "real" American. As far as I'm concerned, the real American values are foreward-looking and include progress, education, secular Constitutional governance, community and inclusiveness. If these people had their way in history, we would still have slavery, or at least segregation, women would not be able to vote, contraceptives would still be illegal and so would labor unions.