Health Insurance Stocks Up . . . . . What about Futures Contracts on the American middle class? 43% of Americans will be ineligible for subsidies....
Those forced into non-group plans, the CBO estimates will experience an ACCELERATED rate of premium inflation.
Even those still in group plans, the CBO optimistically forecasts will experience "only" the same astronomical inflation in premiums as would have been expected if no bill had been passed.....This despite the fact that the perennial excuse for price gouging ("We have to gouge the insured to pay for all the uncompensated care for the millions of uninsured") should no longer apply.....Only in a system of no-public-option mandated purchase, with neither effective price controls or competition, would corporate interests be able to continue the predatory pricing upon which these inflated premiums rests.
Grayson's Medicare Buy In would have provided the competition that HCR now so conspicuously lacks.....But it was doomed by the deal the for-profit hospital industry made with the WH.
Grayson's bill, for that matter,
still would provide the competition needed to make HCR work.....
But what are the chances we'll see the White House, Reid, or even Pelosi demand, in action as well as words, that the middle class have the right to buy in to a fairly priced system?
What are the chances our leadership will be as faithful to the vanishing middle class as they have been in keeping the deals made with corporate interests?
"If Barack Obama’s bill gets changed to exclude the public entities, it is not health insurance reform…it rises and falls on whether the public is allowed to choose Medicare if they’re under 65 or not. If they are allowed to choose Medicare as an option, this bill will be real health care reform...."
- Howard Dean