Now Obama 9th Circuit judicial nominee Professor Goodwin Liu speaks (date of his comments not given) about "wealth flowing to a small group of people" and refers to it as a "problem."
Video title "Obama Appoints Communist to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals."
JJRage420 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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We got a communist trying to define America's financial problems. What he fails to realize is, he is the problem.
We need to tell our politicians to fuck off and we need to take the country back.
XxSilentRagexX (1 week ago) Show Hide
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This is war, the day of reckoning is near when the patriots in America will cause insurrection and
an armed revolt civil war uprising to purge our government of treasonous politicians!!!Constitution2012 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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If you get a clear shot- Shoot HIM.Constitution2012 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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People like these...if or
when, chaos or riots occur- I have my sights set on cockroaches like these.
This is the (type person/mentality) I will gut out day one- like a deer in hunting season.These fuckers will be like a deer in headlights pretty soon.
Commie pieces of shit... not only selling out America, but also his fellow china man.
People like this should not breed. we notify the FBI?
Previous postsProgressives to rejoice, Obama nominates Goodwin Liu (Thu Feb-25-10) Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court (Mon Mar-01-10) News composes a hit piece on Obama nominee Goodwin Liu (Fri Mar-05-10) Tribune: Obama judicial nominee already a target (Sat Mar-06-10) Circuit candidate's career marked by rapid ascent, wide-ranging roles (Goodwin Liu) (Wed Mar-10-10),0,1301596.storyAP: Young appeals court nominee raises liberal hopes (Sun Mar-14-10) of Professor Goodwin Liu on the Nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. January 10, 2006 (Tue Mar-16-10) Francisco Chronicle: Obama nominee Goodwin Liu an unassuming man (Tue Mar-16-10) Judiciary Committee schedules Goodwin Liu nomination hearing (Tue Mar-16-10) Law professor Goodwin Liu may be test case for Obama judicial picks (Mon Mar-22-10) SCOTUS Battle Quietly Brews, Contentious Hearing for Lower Court Nominee to Foreshadow (Mon Mar-22-10) added.
Edited to take the threat out of the subject line.
Edited again to put threats in a block quote.